Rank Name Class Level Reborn Guild Level Progress
1 <G>NoOne Military Adviser 111 500 OutOfControl
2 <Cp>LadyMagic Ascetic 111 315 TheBroThers
3 <Sr>Happy Military Adviser 109 222 Emotions
4 <Sr>GixyNation Imperial General 94 204 FreeDom
5 <C>zhi General 103 195 -
6 <C>gong Imperial General 103 190 -
7 <C>GixyStyle Ascetic 100 187 FreeDom
8 <C>Raio Ascetic 110 176 WEEDS
9 <C>Zeus Military Adviser 108 166 FreeDom
10 <C>Ydra Military Adviser 111 162 WEEDS
11 <C>Teusma Imperial General 110 158 WEEDS
12 <C>GONG Imperial General 103 153 OutOfControl
13 <C>Just4fuN Military Adviser 90 152 GanjaSquaD
14 <S>Griffenma Ascetic 109 147 GanjaSquaD
15 <S>Hades God Of Sword 109 143 FreeDom
16 <S>Venus Military Adviser 108 137 FreeDom
17 <S>LODE General 110 133 WEEDS
18 <S>MistiC Ascetic 105 128 OutOfControl
19 <S>GOS God Of Sword 110 126 WEEDS
20 <S>Hema Military Adviser 91 126 -
21 <S>KinG General 90 123 TheBroThers
22 <S>KAIDO Imperial General 101 111 TheBroThers
23 <S>Tequilla Ascetic 107 105 WeAreLegacy
24 <S>TANGANGA Ascetic 109 102 TheBroThers
25 <P>FTW General 99 99 TheBroThers
26 <P>Duhb Military Adviser 109 95 TheBroThers
27 <P>GOKTURK Military Adviser 110 92 WeAreLegacy
28 <P>Jhon Military Adviser 111 90 WEEDS
29 <P>ROMA Military Adviser 111 80 TheBroThers
30 <P>lb00 Military Adviser 110 76 -
31 <P>KIZILELMA Imperial General 110 71 WeAreLegacy
32 <P>Griffen God Of Sword 110 66 GanjaSquaD
33 <P>TOMRIS Military Adviser 90 61 WeAreLegacy
34 <P>ZavaelMA Military Adviser 90 58 GanjaSquaD
35 <P>as7ab Imperial General 108 52 TheBroThers
36 <P>AB Military Adviser 90 52 WeAreLegacy
37 <50>MosMaskeR Imperial General 111 50 TheBroThers
38 <49>Kaciukas Imperial General 111 49 TheBroThers
39 <48>VV Military Adviser 110 48 -
40 <47>Silence Military Adviser 111 47 TheBroThers
41 <44>Lexika Ascetic 109 44 TheBroThers
42 <43>Mascha Ascetic 90 43 -
43 <41>M4tdor Imperial General 111 41 TheBroThers
44 <41>Klaus God Of Sword 104 41 -
45 <41>TimothyMA Military Adviser 101 41 VaMpIrEs
46 <40>Hermione Military Adviser 108 40 WEEDS
47 <39>GeNoCiDe Military Adviser 98 39 FreeDom
48 <37>AbsoLuT Ascetic 111 37 FreeDom
49 <34>drec Military Adviser 108 34 FreeDom
50 <34>Eva God of Bow 100 34 Sublime
51 <31>Pyre Military Adviser 110 31 TheBroThers
52 <31>meneerAk Military Adviser 104 31 Sublime
53 <31>Alva Military Adviser 100 31 FreeDom
54 <30>Q8 Imperial General 110 30 TheBroThers
55 <30>Carolina Ascetic 109 30 Sublime
56 <29>Calido Imperial General 111 29 GanjaSquaD
57 <29>cCc God Of Sword 107 29 VaMpIrEs
58 <28>HiTiH General 111 28 OutOfControl
59 <25>n00b Imperial General 106 25 TheBroThers
60 <25>Denise Military Adviser 101 25 VaMpIrEs
61 <24>Past Military Adviser 110 24 -
62 <24>Apollo Military Adviser 104 24 -
63 <23>Ghmr1 Military Adviser 90 23 VaMpIrEs
64 <21>Kinq Ascetic 109 21 Champions
65 <21>ASc Ascetic 102 21 TheBroThers
66 <20>SamSex Ascetic 110 20 GanjaSquaD
67 <20>AliRizk General 106 20 VaMpIrEs
68 <19>kimMage Military Adviser 109 19 Guild
69 <19>IceShiva Military Adviser 102 19 TheBroThers
70 <19>Vi Ascetic 97 19 OutOfControl
71 <19>Buffarella Military Adviser 90 19 WeAreLegacy
72 <18>Pooweer Military Adviser 110 18 -
73 <18>Slackey Imperial General 110 18 TheBroThers
74 <18>TheTOo God Of Sword 101 18 TheBroThers
75 <18>Sekiro Military Adviser 100 18 WeAreLegacy
76 <17>Jhon Imperial General 109 17 WEEDS
77 <17>Maracuja Military Adviser 104 17 OutOfControl
78 <17>Alexander Military Adviser 102 17 Champions
79 <16>Caligo God of Bow 110 16 GanjaSquaD
80 <15>TheBest Ascetic 90 15 FreeDom
81 <14>Gardenia Military Adviser 109 14 TheBroThers
82 <14>ZamorPL God of Bow 98 14 OutOfControl
83 <13>Ashe God of Bow 100 13 WeAreLegacy
84 <13>MaMa Military Adviser 98 13 -
85 <11>Satana God of Bow 107 11 WEEDS
86 <11>Pve Military Adviser 105 11 OutOfControl
87 <11>Sad God of Bow 103 11 Emotions
88 <10>Wave Military Adviser 111 10 -
89 <10>Max C.J.B 111 10 OutOfControl
90 <10>BlaraS Ascetic 108 10 HarDClaN
91 <10>Clair Imperial General 100 10 VaMpIrEs
92 <9>MaYora Military Adviser 109 9 WEEDS
93 <9>Striker God of Bow 109 9 TheBroThers
94 <9>Lonyx Military Adviser 106 9 TheBroThers
95 <9>Luna Ascetic 103 9 -
96 <9>Hank General 103 9 OutOfControl
97 <9>AP Imperial General 97 9 -
98 <8>Dizaster General 111 8 -
99 <8>Pablo Military Adviser 111 8 -
100 <8>QR Ascetic 110 8 Sublime
101 <8>xXx Military Adviser 108 8 -
102 <8>Hypernoir Ascetic 91 8 FreeDom
103 <8>Eveline Military Adviser 90 8 -
104 <7>Harry General 101 7 -
105 <7>Blizz Ascetic 90 7 TheBroThers
106 <6>rAk General 106 6 Sublime
107 <6>Niizer Ascetic 105 6 -
108 <6>LUFY General 102 6 OutOfControl
109 <5>Samurai God Of Sword 111 5 WeAreLegacy
110 <5>Hunter Ascetic 106 5 VaMpIrEs
111 <5>Decebal God of Bow 106 5 LostAngelS
112 <5>PLK C.J.B 102 5 -
113 <5>RU Military Adviser 101 5 Emotions
114 <5>Dazy Military Adviser 96 5 -
115 <5>LOrena Military Adviser 90 5 WEEDS
116 <4>NocturNa Imperial General 110 4 Emotions
117 <4>oOIG Imperial General 108 4 FreeDom
118 <4>L Military Adviser 107 4 Champions
119 <4>Angry General 104 4 Emotions
120 <4>jolia Military Adviser 103 4 VaMpIrEs
121 <4>Zo0oZa C.J.B 102 4 TheBroThers
122 <4>Zhen General 102 4 -
123 <4>SexTime General 92 4 -
124 <3>Vortex Ascetic 111 3 -
125 <3>MaMi Imperial General 110 3 OutOfControl
126 <3>MagePLMA Military Adviser 109 3 TheBroThers
127 <3>kim God Of Sword 108 3 Guild
128 <3>CJBQyenya Military Adviser 107 3 -
129 <3>Buff C.J.B 104 3 -
130 <3>SaNyOorA C.J.B 103 3 OutOfControl
131 <3>Volle God Of Sword 103 3 -
132 <3>Yasuoo God Of Sword 102 3 TheBroThers
133 <3>Lorena Military Adviser 102 3 WEEDS
134 <3>Svenio Imperial General 102 3 -
135 <3>iTOUCHCO God of Bow 101 3 TheBroThers
136 <3>LiLiThYBR C.J.B 100 3 WEEDS
137 <3>MageOfHell Military Adviser 94 3 VaMpIrEs
138 <3>Megy Imperial General 91 3 Emotions
139 <3>Zuzilly God Of Sword 90 3 GanjaSquaD
140 <3>XSamyOp Military Adviser 90 3 Emotions
141 <3>oOGoS God Of Sword 90 3 FreeDom
142 <2>CSIGA Military Adviser 110 2 FreeDom
143 <2>Moradon Imperial General 110 2 -
144 <2>Queen Ascetic 110 2 -
145 <2>TheGoaT Military Adviser 109 2 OutOfControl
146 <2>MOCKBA Military Adviser 109 2 TheBroThers
147 <2>King God Of Sword 104 2 Champions
148 <2>Since2008 Ascetic 103 2 WeAreLegacy
149 <2>CaliBraxD General 102 2 OutOfControl
150 <2>Mystique Military Adviser 102 2 -
151 <2>Zokas Ascetic 102 2 TheBroThers
152 <2>Jacko500 God of Bow 102 2 GanjaSquaD
153 <2>Until Military Adviser 100 2 TheBroThers
154 <2>BazooKa General 100 2 -
155 <2>Alba Military Adviser 100 2 LostAngelS
156 <2>Zer0 God Of Sword 97 2 Sublime
157 <2>GeNoOAsc Ascetic 97 2 FreeDom
158 <2>Asia God of Bow 96 2 OutOfControl
159 <2>MaxiMos General 96 2 TheBroThers
160 <2>UntiL Military Adviser 95 2 OutOfControl
161 <2>BamLee God Of Sword 95 2 -
162 <2>HitROCK Military Adviser 92 2 OutOfControl
163 <1>P God of Bow 111 1 Champions
164 <1>Lagerfeld Military Adviser 111 1 -
165 <1>Zavael Imperial General 110 1 GanjaSquaD
166 <1>THC Military Adviser 110 1 WEEDS
167 <1>CasperIG Imperial General 110 1 -
168 <1>SrFabioBr Imperial General 110 1 WEEDS
169 <1>PaiN Imperial General 109 1 OutOfControl
170 <1>ZheN Military Adviser 109 1 Sublime
171 <1>Vengeance General 109 1 -
172 <1>Enemies Military Adviser 108 1 VaMpIrEs
173 <1>Kuchen General 107 1 FreeDom
174 <1>Arvena Military Adviser 107 1 -
175 <1>Shockz Imperial General 107 1 -
176 <1>Furio Military Adviser 107 1 -
177 <1>Kng Imperial General 106 1 -
178 <1>HealtH2 Military Adviser 106 1 WeAreLegacy
179 <1>As7aB Ascetic 106 1 TheBroThers
180 <1>SuzyBae Military Adviser 105 1 WeAreLegacy
181 <1>PaZ Ascetic 105 1 -
182 <1>Quenya Ascetic 105 1 -
183 <1>Rox Imperial General 104 1 WeAreLegacy
184 <1>Assassin Imperial General 103 1 -
185 <1>Rozdzka Military Adviser 103 1 -
186 <1>Pandora C.J.B 102 1 -
187 <1>Blacky Ascetic 102 1 GanjaSquaD
188 <1>SDRevenge Military Adviser 102 1 -
189 <1>IceLegate Ascetic 102 1 -
190 <1>Power General 102 1 -
191 <1>NOOB Imperial General 102 1 -
192 <1>SnOwgRaiN Military Adviser 102 1 TheBroThers
193 <1>Drec General 101 1 FreeDom
194 <1>BlackDevil General 101 1 WeAreLegacy
195 <1>DeadTarget God Of Sword 101 1 VaMpIrEs
196 <1>SlackeyEa God of Bow 101 1 WeAreLegacy
197 <1>Vona C.J.B 101 1 -
198 <1>Tormentor Ascetic 101 1 FreeDom
199 <1>Ops Military Adviser 100 1 -
200 <1>kaee Military Adviser 100 1 OutOfControl